West & Middle Chinnock
There are lots of volunteers in West & Middle Chinnock already helping residents. Examples include:
Jane and Jonathan 01935 882716 Follow our West & Middle Chinnock Community Webpage Facebook page bit.ly/chinnockvolunteers Request from Gary & Ruth of Hillview Close. Could you please let them have any used postage stamps & old mobile phones for their charity Canine Partners. (www.caninepartners.org.uk)
Travel Somerset New travel website for Somerset. The aim of Travel Somerset is to improve how we tell people about what's happening on the roads in Somerset from planned roadworks and public events to unplanned incidents, accidents or congestion. Sign up for travel alerts or subscribe for emails about roadworks in an area of your choice. go to www.travelsomerset.co.uk |
About Us
West Chinnock is a village in Somerset, England, situated near the A356 road 4 miles (6.4 km) north east of Crewkerne in the South Somerset district. The village forms the civil parish of West and Middle Chinnock with the neighbouring village of Middle Chinnock and has a population of 592 (2011 census).Middle Chinnock was a separate civil parish until 1884. It was then absorbed into the parish of West Chinnock. In 2003 the parish was renamed West and Middle Chinnock.
Living in West & Middle Chinnock: Our villages have a great vibrancy with a variety of clubs and societies, a pre-school and primary school, two churches, a recreation ground and pavilion, children's play area, a vey active community village hall, local pub and lots more. Links to Local Somerset Services Planning Applications: How do I see the submitted plans and information digitally?
Location: Chinnock House Middle Chinnock Crewkerne Somerset TA18 7PN Application Type: Listed Building Consent Application Number: 24/02905/LBC Proposal: Single-storey extension to rear of house, re-build of existing bathroom block with new roof to include flue, paved surface to rear with low retaining walls, installation of glazed timber doors to existing verandah, removal of external soil and vent pipes and foul drainage to walls. Applicant: Mr and Mrs Gaspar Deadline for comments 1.02.2025 Report a Bonfire or nuisance smoke https://www.southsomerset.gov.uk/services/environmental-health/nuisances/report-a-bonfire-or-nuisance-smoke/ Dog Fouling report website is https://www.southsomerset.gov.uk/environment/environmental-health/environmen tal-protection/dog-fouling/ Somerset CC link to verge cutting schedule. <https://www.travelsomerset.co.uk/grass-cutting/> |
LAST CALL: Rock & Roll Bingo – Don’t Miss the Fun!
Online sessions to help people understand complexities of care planning. Somerset Council is holding a series of free, online webinars to help individuals plan care and support needs for themselves or those they care for. These informative sessions aim to provide valuable insights and practical advice on navigating the complexities of care planning. The webinars follow the success of the previous in-person event held in November, which saw positive feedback. The new sessions will be held via Microsoft Teams and in the evenings and are scheduled to begin on 27 January 2025 and continue throughout February, offering another opportunity for Somerset residents to gain essential knowledge and resources. Topics covered will include understanding your care options, financial planning, and how to access local support services. Attendees will be able to ask questions and receive guidance from professionals in the field. Councillor Sarah Wakefield, Lead Member for Adults Services, Housing and Homelessness at Somerset Council, said: “The webinars are a fantastic resource for anyone looking to understand and plan for care needs, whether for themselves or their loved ones. The positive response from our November in-person event has encouraged us to keep this momentum going, and we hope that holding the webinars online in January will encourage even more people to join. No one wants to start thinking about financing care for themselves or the people they support, but it is a position that many of us will be faced with sooner or later. These online sessions aim to help the people of Somerset get the information that they need to make the best-informed decisions for their lives or for the lives of their loved ones. I really encourage you to drop in if you can.” There will be a series of webinars taking place in the evenings between Monday, 27 January and Thursday, 27 February 2025. For those who cannot attend, the webinars will all be available online after the sessions take place. Register for the free online-only events using the following links: • Monday 27 January, 6.30pm to 8pm, Wills & Lasting Power of Attorney: Managing an Individual’s Finances • Tuesday 4 February, 6.30pm to 8pm, Financial Assessments for Care Funding • Wednesday 12 February, 6.30pm to 7.15pm, Navigating Direct Payments • Wednesday 12 February, 7.15pm to 8pm, Supporting the Armed Forces community in Somerset • Thursday 27 February, 6.30pm to 7.15pm, Personalised Community Support for Carers in Somerset • Thursday 27 February, 7.15pm to 8pm, Understanding how Adult Social Care works ENDS Latest Live Planning Applications West & Middle Chinnock:
Location: Chinnock House Middle Chinnock Crewkerne Somerset TA18 7PN Application Type: Listed Building Consent Application Number: 24/02905/LBC Proposal: Single-storey extension to rear of house, re-build of existing bathroom block with new roof to include flue, paved surface to rear with low retaining walls, installation of glazed timber doors to existing verandah, removal of external soil and vent pipes and foul drainage to walls. Deadline for comments 1.02.2025 How do I see the submitted plans and information digitally?
Kim Duller Clerk [email protected] ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() LIVE August Planning Applications Due to the Parish Council Planning meeting not being held in August for the summer break, there has been an extension for comments on the application below until 12th September at 11.00am. Kings Gatchell, Higher Street, West Chinnock Demolition of conservatory and erection of single story rear extension, together with loft conversion, internal alterations and open porch. Application: 24/01665/HOU Higher Street, West Chinnock, TA18 7QA The application will be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting on 11th September 2024. All comments. for this application should be submitted via the link below. Deadline for comments 11.00am, 12th September 2024 https://www.somerset.gov.uk/.../view-and-comment-on-a.../ If you don't have IT and/or would like some help accessing the application, please do not hesitate to contact me via email. Kim Duller Clerk, West & Middle Chinnock Parish Council [email protected] Ham Hill Villages Benefice Services September 2024
Fortunes Well Planning Application
Application22/00724/FUL Higher Street, West Chinnock, Deadline for comments TBC Pine View Planning Application Application 24/00030/HOU Pine View, Higher Street, TA18 7QA Deadline for comments 6th February 2024 The application can be viewed: https://www.somerset.gov.uk/.../view-and-comment-on-a.../ If you don't have IT and/or would like some help accessing the application, please do not hesitate to contact me via email. Kim Duller Clerk, West & Middle Chinnock Parish Council [email protected] The Parish Council will be holding a final Precept decision meeting on 28th January 2024 at 8pm via ZOOM.
Residents are welcome to join the meeting. Please contact me via email and I will send a link. Are you still following the news on the challenges which are facing Somerset Council? We are now getting closer to the day that Somerset Council will set their budget for next year - the 20th of February 2024. But in the meantime, Parish Councils are still a little in the dark. We have until 2nd February to set our budget and submit our Precept request. After numerous back-to-the-drawing board budget forecast attempts as the goalposts change, Councillors now feel confident they have enough information to make a decision on the precept. In the meantime, if you have any questions you would like to ask, please feel free to email me. Warm wishes Kim Duller Clerk West & Middle Chinnock Parish Council [email protected] ![]() Latest Planning Applications In West & Middle Chinnock
Planning Applications: How do I see the submitted plans and information digitally?
If you would like any support accessing plans, please contact the Clerk: [email protected] ROAD CLOSURE: Middle Chinnock Road - from the junction with East Lane, to the junction with Broadstone Lane.
The works are expected to commence on 16th November 2023 and last until 17th November 2023 between the hours of 08:00 - 16:00 for a total of 2 days. Somerset Council Parish of West and Middle Chinnock This Order will enable Utility Services Ltd on behalf of Openreach to replace a pole. The works are expected to commence on 16th November 2023 and last until 17th November 2023 between the hours of 08:00 - 16:00 for a total of 2 days. Please visit https://one.network/?tm=135311338 for further information on the alternative route. Temporary Road Closure: ttro074276SS - Smiths Hill, West and Middle Chinnock
Please follow the link to view the above road closure; https://one.network/?tm=134559243 and the link for the Notice 2:https://api-gb.one.network/downloads/tm/1111/03-notice-2_134559243_3623485_17b1b6949b.pdf The order becomes effective on 05th October 2023 and will remain in force for eighteen months. The works are expected to commence on 9th October 2023 and last for 5 days to enable Milestone Infrastructure to carry out drainage works. The contractor has indicated that access for Emergency Services through the site is not permitted on this occasion. For any further information about this closure please contact Somerset Highways on 0300 123 2224, quoting reference: ttro074276SS Please note that should you require to view a closure which is more than two weeks ahead, you will need to register for free with www.One.Network With regards, The Road Closure Team Email: [email protected] Traffic Management, Road Safety and Parking Services Somerset Council County Hall Taunton Somerset TA1 4DY Web: www.somerset.gov.uk Travel Somerset – for live travel alerts, roadworks information and winter weather updates on Twitter @TravelSomerset and online 24/7 at www.travelsomerset.co.uk Click here if you no longer wish to receive this email alert POSSIBLE STRIKE ACTION
SOMERSET WASTE SERVICES 12th July Our elected Local Ward Somerset County Councillors are Cllr Oliver Patrick & Cllr Mike Hewitson - if you would like further information. [email protected] [email protected] PUBLIC NOTICE
Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 87 of the Local Government Act 1972 that a vacancy has occurred on the West & Middle Chinnock Parish Council. Unless a request for an election to be held is submitted in writing to the Chief Executive of Somerset Council at Electoral Services, The Council Offices, Brympton Way, Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 2HT by Thursday 6th July 2023 by ten electors for the Parish of West & Middle Chinnock, the Parish Council will proceed to fill the vacancy by co-option. Kim Duller Clerk to the Council 17th June 2023 Email: [email protected] Tel: 07957 358431 Address of Clerk: West & Middle Chinnock Parish Council Half Moon House Lower Street West Chinnock TA187PT Latest Planning Application
Fortunes Well, Higher Street, West Chinnock Planning Application 22/00724/FUL Amended plans have now been published on the Somerset County Council Website. The original last date for responses was 13th June 2024. The Parish Council has requested an extension, which is for residents and the PC. This has been granted to the 27th of June 2023 If you would like to make comments, you must submit them via the Council's website below. https://www.somerset.gov.uk/.../view-and-comment-on-a.../ If any residents have any difficulty using/accessing the website to make comments or have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me for some help. Warm wishes Kim Clerk, West & Middle Chinnock Parish Council [email protected] AVIAN BIRD FLU _ NEW RULES 7th November 2022
From 7th November 2022, it will be a legal requirement for all bird keepers to keep their birds housed and to follow stringent biosecurity measures to protect their flocks. This applies whether keepers have commercial flocks, or just a few birds in a backyard. Link to the housing order:- Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [Logo] (publishing.service.gov.uk) The decision was made by the UK’s Chief Veterinary Officer, as the UK continues to face its largest ever outbreak of avian influenza – with over 70 cases since the start of October. You should be vigilant for any signs of disease in your birds and seek prompt advice from your vet if you have any concerns. You can help protect your birds and prevent avian flu by maintaining good biosecurity on your premises, including:
Full details of what is required can be found on the government website - www.gov.uk/bird-flu You can also find a self-assessment checklist at the above link to help you put the measures in place, as well as more information about the virus. You can keep up to date with any future changes by regularly visiting the avian influenza section on the government website, and by registering for email or text alerts - www.gov.uk/guidance/apha-alert-subscription-service The risk to public health from the virus is very low, however it is important that people don’t pick up sick or dead birds. You should call the Defra helpline on 03459 33 55 77 if you find:
The Food Standards Agency advice remains unchanged, that avian influenza poses a very low food safety risk for UK consumers. Properly cooked poultry and poultry products, including eggs, are safe to eat. ![]() Did you know Somerset libraries offer a Home Library Service to individuals who cannot access the library due to ill health, mobility or caring reasons?
Our volunteers will choose and deliver books to you on a regular basis. If you or anyone you know might be interested in volunteering or receiving this service please contact the Home Library Manager on tel: 07814 079831 or email at [email protected] who will be happy to help you . Report a Bonfire or nuisance Smoke
Bonfires can cause a nuisance for the community if not managed correctly and in particular large bonfires. Please be a kind and considerate neighbour and follow the guidelines and regulations which are clearly set out relating to bonfires. If you would like to report repeated incidents of bonfires or large bonfire which is causing a nuisance, or just need some help and guidance on bonfires please use the link below. https://www.southsomerset.gov.uk/.../report-a-bonfire-or.../ Development of West & Middle Chinnock
Recreation Ground Back in 2016, the Community Plan Survey identified the Rec as one of the key assets of the village and the number one priority for improvement. A committee was formed, chaired by Neil Cochran, which has now had several discussions after a slow start due to Covid. Committee members have some differing views of how best to develop the Rec, but have agreed a common vision: “To create a destination benefiting the whole community, which is a key focal point within the village for building community togetherness, delivering spaces for social cohesion, recreation and exercise as well as promoting personal and community wellbeing and positive mental health benefit”. To get the best possible advice for the village, the committee has decided to use a professional landscape consultant with experience of designing recreation spaces such as ours. Their remit will include discussing ideas with the committee, producing an initial plan or plans, running a public consultation exercise in the village to hear community views, and modifying the plans accordingly. Overarching design requirements include:
As plans progress, we will update the community through the Parish Council, the Parish Magazine and relevant social media and websites. And our aim is to hold the public consultation at some time over the summer. In the meantime, if you have questions, please contact Neil (email: [email protected]). |