Parish Council Meeting Agendas Parish Council meetings take place on the first Wednesday of each month in the village Hall at 7.30pm. (On occasions the date may be changed therefore please check the Agenda prior to the month you are attending to check the date, or look at the calendar on the home page).There are no meetings in August and January. The Agenda is published 3 days prior to the meeting and is displayed on the village notice board as well as being published on the village website. The Annual Parish Meeting takes place in May and starts at 7pm, prior to the Parish Council meeting.
Dates of Meetings Published Below Agendas
Public Forum Members of the public and press are welcome at the meeting and are able to speak on any matter for up to 10 minutes during the Public Forum which takes place at the start of the meeting. If the matter is likely to take longer than 10 minutes, notice should be provided to the Clerk by 12 noon on the Monday preceding the meeting.